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January 03, 2017 @ (Honolulu)

Tags: Bad breakup, for you guys

The girl that I had cared about and loved for a year did not have her priorities straight at all. Apparently she thought that it was okay to ditch me for her friends, even when I had plans with her before them. I just had the vibe that they did not like me and I have no idea why. On top of that, she never followed through with things involving me, such as dedicating her time and effort to me, even though I spent tons on her. What really upset me was that she had the nerve to break up with me. I am a very passive aggressive person and I am well aware of it, and that is the reason why I stuck with her longer than I really wanted to. I always had that harmful and false mindset that things would get better. Her own mother did not even know about our relationship so that should have already been a sign that things weren't gonna work out. And to make matters even better (sarcasm, I really mean worse), she had the nerve to ask to stay friends after all of that. I agreed even though I didn't mean it. It has been almost four months since the break up and I am still waiting for her to follow through with it (not that I care). I guess I should've expected that from someone as immature as that. I am not still stuck on her, it is just I haven't really been venting to my friends about it because most of them go to college out of state so I really only had a couple of friends who I rarely saw to vent to. And this also explains why I still talk about it today and why I am sharing my story online. I am just amazed that someone who I gave 110% to can do something like that to me. To all my guy friends out there: if you are with a girl like the one I was with, do not stand for it, especially if you are passive aggressive like myself. It really isn't healthy to stay with someone who just drags you down and you pretend like it is okay, when it really isn't.